Clowns and faggots

Putin blatantly lies on TV screens, memes about Prigozhin are posted on social networks, and the Russian Guard demands heavy weapons.

On June 26, Putin’s address to the citizens of Russia was announced with a great deal of importance, the media gave great importance to this speech, but then abandoned their words.

Putin spoke languidly and completely about nothing, lying about the consolidation and solidarity of Russian citizens in the face of an armed rebellion.

Putin lies about the consolidation of Russian society in opposition to the authorities and the rebels.

Against Prigozhin, a criminal case is either initiated, or again it is closed “in connection with the cancellation of the plans of the rebels.”

The ministers gather in the Kremlin with gloomy faces, as if they are attending their own funeral, and the FSO officers try to isolate the Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu, then spread rumors about his upcoming awarding with the title of “Hero of Russia”.

Putin rewards the military, the National Guard and the police for crushing the rebellion, and propaganda says that Putin’s approval rating has risen to 90%.

The ceremony of awarding the military personnel who participated in the confrontation with the rebels.
The ceremony of awarding the military personnel who participated in the confrontation with the rebels.

Corrupt journalists now distribute archives with compromising evidence on Shoigu and Prigozhin, then suddenly they are seized from private channels.

The venerable Russian propagandists sang praises to Prigozhin yesterday, and today they are ready to pour mud over him.

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko enthusiastically talks about the details of his peacekeeping mission, and the head of the Russian Guard demands heavy weapons from Putin.

Fuhrer Potato

The surreal picture of the Russian political arena is contradicted by the facts:

  1. Prigozhin’s demarche showed the authorities’ inability to protect their citizens. The armed group marched 750 km across Russian territory, and the security forces were not able to do anything to stop it.
  2. Putin, instead of leading the defense, first threatened the rebels, and then literally disappeared from the radar: his plane turned off the transponder while flying over the Tver region.
  3. Russian propagandists, in the absence of manuals, showed an absolute inability to navigate the information field. They just didn’t know what to say.
  4. The Russian society has received a signal that a military coup in Russia is possible and with a high degree of probability it will be successful.
  5. Contrary to propaganda statements, Putin’s rating has dropped significantly, the commander in chief who flees the battlefield is no longer the commander in chief.
  6. As the reaction of Russian citizens in Rostov to the rebels showed, society is ready to accept any agenda to counter the authorities.


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