Drug addiction with a delay from death in Ukraine

Putin, by his decree recognizing a citizen as a drug addict without examination, opened up the possibility for Russian citizens to avoid mobilization.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law according to which citizens can be recognized as drug addicts without a medical examination and only with the opinion of a psychiatrist.

It must be assumed that such a step by Putin was dictated by the fight against the Russian opposition, when, when sent to a mandatory examination by a neuropsychiatrist, any citizen who did not agree with the policy pursued by the Russian authorities could be recognized as a “sick drug addict”.

However, article 19 of fitness for military service implies that in the event of a drug addiction, a citizen cannot be drafted into the active army in peacetime.

The war waged by Russia against Ukraine has not been officially declared. Thus, Russian citizens who have received a summons to mobilize can avoid conscription and not become fertilizer in the fields of Ukraine.


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