ATMs deceived by 3 million rubles

The Investigative Committee of Russia for the Krasnoyarsk Territory completed the investigation of an unusual theft committed at the local branch of Sberbank: the attackers replenished their accounts through ATMs with “Souvenir Bank tickets” with a face value of 5 thousand “doubles”, thus stealing almost 3 million rubles from the credit institution.

At the same time, only ordinary members of the group were among the accused, and the organizers of the thefts, who managed to turn similar scams in several cities of Russia, have not yet been established.

Fraudsters used the vulnerability of ATMs NCR6632. To do this, a metal strip was pasted on the “Souvenir Bank tickets” that imitated the protective strip on treasury tickets with a face value of 5,000 rubles.

vulnerable ATM
Vulnerable ATM NCR6632

Then the account in the ATM was replenished with fakes and cash was immediately withdrawn, but with real money.

Source: Kommersant


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